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Health And Safety Matters: Are You A Responsible Employer?

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If you’re launching a new business or managing a growing company, you may be focused on generating profits, and attracting new clients. But you should never lose sight of the importance of health and safety. All employers have a duty to act responsibly to protect their workforce from accidents and injuries. If you’re an employer, here are some tips to take on board.

Health and safety legislation

Health and safety legislation is there to protect people and prevent work-related illness and accidents. Nobody wants to go to work fearing that they won’t make it to the end of the day without tripping or slipping. Some jobs are a lot more dangerous than others, but even the most innocent-seeming occupations can harbor risks. As an employer, there are legal requirements you must meet. If you don’t meet the criteria set out by the relevant bodies, you may be liable for legal action if an employee sustains injuries. Make sure your policies and procedures are compliant with the latest regulations, and that you understand your responsibilities as an employer.

Basic health and safety measures may include eliminating slip and trip hazards and preventing injuries by providing the relevant safety equipment. If you manage a construction company, for example, you will be expected to provide your employees on site with the equipment they need to work safely and efficiently. Examples may include ear defenders, gloves, sturdy boots, and reflective clothing. If you’re keen to upgrade your equipment or learn about innovations in the world of protective clothing, take a look at websites like https://selectequip.co.uk/.

Staff training

In some cases, for example, when employees are using dangerous machinery, training is compulsory. However, even in situations where is not required, it’s still beneficial to offer your workforce training in health and safety. If everyone is aware of the policies and procedures, and they know how to recognize and address hazards, this will reduce the risk of accidents.

Going above and beyond

As an employer, you will need to adhere to legal regulations. However, you don’t have to stop there. You can go above and beyond the basic requirements to make your workplace a safer place to work. Keep a log of accidents, and ask employees to offer ideas about how you could make the working environment more pleasant. If people bring problems or concerns to you, make an effort to address them as quickly as possible. It’s also beneficial to try and foster good habits and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. You can this by providing software and equipment that makes workers feel more comfortable and enables them to take frequent short breaks, and by promoting regular exercise and healthy eating. A healthy workforce is often a happy, productive workforce. You’ll find more helpful tips at https://www.ft.com/content/41f990f0-b955-11e2-bc57-00144feabdc0.

As an employer, you have legal duties to make sure that your staff team is safe. Even if you have a very small office and only a few employees, you must still make sure that you comply with health and safety guidelines. Every employee has the right to feel safe at work.

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