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Merry Xmas 2016

Dear readers,

Wishing you a warm Merry Christmas 2016. Thank you for all your following, readership, loyalty and friendship over these past five years.

When I started the site whilst in University I never imagined that the site would grow to what it has become today. This is all down to you the readers, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As we look ahead to what 2017 has in store my hope is that the site will continue to grow in popularity. My dream is to spread good personal finance and business advice to anyone who would have need of it. There are too many paid professionals out there proffering bad advice to clueless customers. I hope that one day this practice will stop. Instead, people need to inform themselves and I hope that this site can go some way as to helping everybody reach their goal of becoming a little more informed in personal finance.

You may have noticed that this year has seen an increase in the amount of sponsored posts. It is these posts that help to keep the site running as a completely free service to the readers. A big thank you to the various digital marketing companies who are involved.

All the best and happy Christmas,

Mr Moneybanks

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