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Cleaner mathematics and your personal finances

Should you pay for a cleaner?

Alright I admit it, I am middle class. Do you know I know that? My family had a cleaner when I was growing up. My cousins had a cleaner. My grandparents had cleaners. My friends had cleaners. It wasn't something we talked about, it was just a fact that was true in the background like that fact that I have two parents, or the fact that I need food to live. It just was the case.

The Uni years - the dirtier days

At University my flatmates and I decided that we couldn't afford a cleaner. The reality was that we preferred to spend our money on alcohol and going out. Even after University I felt that I couldn't justify spending any money on a cleaner. After I had committed myself to saving a set amount per month, after all the bills there wasn't enough money for such luxuries as a cleaner. So we cleaned! 

This wasn't a big deal. We made the mess so we cleaned. My flatmates and I tried (and sometimes failed) to set aside time each week to do a full house clean. The flat was never spotless but was in a decent condition.

Since moving in with my fiancé we have been cleaning the flat ourselves and have kept it in very good order. However, it's a real hassle each week, especially if we've been entertaining guests.

Cleaner mathematics and a justification/ excuse

We've both had pay rises in the last year due to promotion/job move. We both work harder and longer hours than previously and value our free time. Last week it finally happened. We have up and booked a cleaner. The cleaner charges £10 per hour and given that we have a small flat we reckon the whole lot can be completed in two hours. However, that will work out at roughly £90 per month on a cleaner! Certainly not cheap.

I've always been one to argue for restraint and frugality where possible. Perhaps my fiancé is mellowing me. Perhaps it is spending inflation as my income rises. Or perhaps it is simply that I value my free time more than £10 per hour.

My net salary per hour after all pension contributions and taxes is just over £15. A hard and rational comparison would say that it makes more sense for me to pay someone to spend their time cleaning than for me to clean. This assumes that I spent the "cleaning time" generating additional cash. Obviously this isn't the case as I'd have to clean in my spare time. 

Perhaps I am just trying to justify the increase in my spending. Either way I'd much rather sleep a little more on the weekends and relax a little more at night. Thoughts?

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