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Undeniable Reasons to Love Apprenticeships

The benefits of an apprenticeship

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These days it seems as if nearly everybody has a degree of one kind or another. But when it comes to jobs, having a degree isn’t the be all and end all. In fact, there are vast swathes of jobs that don’t require a degree at all. That’s why we’re hearing so much about apprenticeships these days. Thanks to the drive towards degrees, fewer and fewer people are taking up apprenticeships. And it’s for that reason that there is a skills shortage in industries, like construction. For this reason, doing an apprenticeship is now seen as a good way to earn money. When skills are short, wages go up, and people in the industry get paid more.

Learn On The Job

One of the great advantages of apprenticeships is that fact that you get to learn and earn at the same time. Granted, the pay isn’t fantastic. But it should be remembered that training is itself a form of payment. Another way to think about it is to compare it to going to university. University students have to pay thousands of pounds for their education. Apprentices get paid less than the average worker, but they don’t usually have to pay fees. It’s a win-win.

No Debt

Right now student debt is out of control. The average student owes around £30,000 by the time they graduate. And somehow this money has to be paid back, despite a poorly performing graduate job market. But those who do apprenticeships don’t have to rack up massive amounts of debt. In fact, most people doing apprenticeships can avoid debt entirely. That’s because employers themselves pay their apprentices to train with them.

You Build Skills Needed In The Economy

Doing a degree in the history of art might sound like fun. But history of art graduates often find it a challenge to convince employers that they have relevant skills. Graduates have to go through endless rounds of interviews. They have to hope that somebody will recognise their transferable skills. It’s a risky proposition, and for many graduates, it doesn’t pay off. Now compare that to an apprenticeship. Here, you learn about the things that are directly relevant to employers in your industry. And you don’t have to convince people you have transferable skills because your skills are already fit for purpose.

Support And Guidance

Modern day apprentices tend to be very well supported by tutors and industry. Guidance is excellent. And apprentices can be sure that their training will lead to the qualifications that they need. Great apprenticeships conform to national standards and provide the skills needed for future work.

Most apprentices will, at some point, experience difficult times. But apprentice programmes tend to be very well supported, offering guidance to students.

Improve Your CV

Young people often wonder what is the best way to improve their CV. One of the best ways is, arguably, to do an apprenticeship. According to the UK government, 80 percent of apprentices reported better job prospects. This should come as no surprise, given that apprenticeships provide significant experience and training. Employers are always keen to attract young, experienced talent to their firm.

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