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Student Life: The Quickest Way to Sell all your Books

Amazon Trade-In and its benefits. There are affiliate links on this page. I will earn some Amazon store credit if you make any purchases from Amazon once you have been on the page. However, just because they are affiliate links does not undermine the credibility of the post. I would only post about something that I actually believed in, not just for money.

Sell my books: Got Loads of Old Textbooks?

Picture from freedigitalphotos.net
As many of you know I recently left University and like many students I amassed a lot of books. These were textbooks and were hardly the type of books that I would enjoy reading in bed at night, in the bath, or at the beach in the summer. The problem with many textbooks is that they go out of date as new editions are released. Therefore I figured that it was best to sell them as quickly as I could.

I had a couple of options. I could wait until September (the new term) and try to contact students in the year below to sell my books to. I could try to sell them individually on eBay or Amazon. Alternatively Amazon also have a system whereby they take all your books an store them for you  and send them off for you. You receive payment as books are sold. If books are not sold after a year (I think) then you have to start paying Amazon money to store your books.

Why there is a better way to sell old books?

I didn't like any of these options. They all seemed too fiddly and I'd much rather have the money now than to muck about with sending one book off at a time and dealing with 18 different postage and packing tasks for each order.

I did a bit of research and found that Amazon have the Amazon Trade-In system that's really easy to use, doesn't cost a penny and allows me to get rid of all my books in one go.

What is it?

Amazon Trade-In

Well, the Amazon Trade-In service is a brilliant service. You go onto their page and type in all the ISBN numbers (usually on the back of the book) and it tells you what the book would be worth if you traded it in with Amazon. Once you're happy with the number of books that you have submitted and the total amount of money offered by Amazon then it is time to print off the free postage label, find an empty box (go to the local supermarket - they'll be willing to give you one for free), package up your books and take them to the post office. Make sure the free postage label is on the box and your books will be sent away. Amazon's partners then check the quality of books then give you Amazon store credit equal to the amount originally promised if the quality is good enough. If the quality is not up to scratch then they can send you the books back and you can try to sell them individually.

From personal experience, this was a great way to get rid of all my text books. I traded all 18 in at once and received £112 store credit. It really was as simple as I explained.

Readers, do you have any better ways of getting rid of old books? In my mind this is the quickest and easiest.

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  1. This is genius! I have a few textbooks lying around, and I am definitely going to trade them in. I'm going to buy stuff on Amazon anyways - might as well get some store credit to use. :)

  2. eBay and Amazon worked great for me in undergrad and grad school. A great way to save on the purchasing end is to buy the international edition. The book is identical in almost way and you will pay 10% - 15% of the cost. At that price, I didn't mind keeping the book if I felt it would be useful down the road.

  3. 10% - 15% of the cost! That's amazing! But that doesn't help those already living Europe and require 20 European textbooks anyway! What would you suggest is the best way to be rid of them?
